Creative    Councelling

                 Regain Your                         Primordial Freedom

I am looking back to see if you're looking back at me

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How can I help you remembering you're doing great

Tools I use: 

Music Therapy

Inner/Outer Dancing

Gene Keys




I Ching


Lucid Dreaming

Nature Immersion

I firmly believe that only those who have experienced the depths of life's hardships and emerged on the other side are equipped to assist others in navigating their own darkness. It is a well-known fact that when two blind individuals attempt to lead one another, they are bound to stumble and fall.

I speak from personal experience, as I have been blind and lost in seemingly bottomless pits for many years. However, what has always helped me to find my way out has been my unwavering belief that everything I encounter serves a purpose in my growth and development. No matter the challenges, I never gave up. I investigated numerous alternative paths and I discovered they all converge at a common point that we once knew but have since forgotten.

On the other side of difficulty lies ultimate freedom, and it is my honour to share with you the techniques I have learned to manifest this in my own life. My approach integrates development on all human levels - physical, mental, emotional, and mystical - to create a holistic and comprehensive experience.

In our initial consultation, I will assess your unique needs and present growth paths for you to explore in our future sessions. Every person is unique, and my methods will be specially crafted to suit your individual journey. I am confident that, together, we will uncover new and exciting ways for you to discover and understand yourself.
